"a lot to do with this person's hate"
you mean with these influential rabbis' hate and contempt of goyim ?
"a lot to do with this person's hate"
you mean with these influential rabbis' hate and contempt of goyim ?
As for the evil coming back, please read this : https://mondoweiss.net/2019/04/israeli-military-praising/
Stephane, "The courts are not under the control of the media and this has been debated in a civilized court.". If you look at the judgements renderd at Nuremberg after the war, you realize how they reflected the justice of the victorious side, without much of a concern for impartial justice. In short, the position toward the defendants was : either you agree with the prosecution and say that you obeyed orders or you didn't take actual part in the killings, and you will then have a slim chance of getting your life saved, or you refute accusation and you will be sentenced to death for sure. Guess what most defendants did...
DW "the number, which has now been part of the public consciousness for more than 50 years, would never have continued to be cited if it did not mirror the scholarly tallies"
I would rather say that this number mirrors the control of media and of the political establishment by a lobby. I take it as a proof the fact that any differing opinion, whatever the solid arguments it is founded on, is banned, without any discussion, and its proponent is ostracised.
sometimes a little eye opener helps
BTW, there were a hospital, a maternity ward (about 3000 babies were born there), a soccer field and a swimming pool open to the inmates in Auschwitz.
I claim the right for historians to conduct objectively their studies without being barred from it by lobbies on the ground of antisemitism.
There would be a lot to say about these camps. I just recall that after the war it was written at Auschwitz that the toll of the holocaust was 6 million, 4 million of which in Auschwitz.. Then they reduced the figure several times : 3 M, 2 M, now they announce about 1M. One more effort, they will reach 135 000.
It is an established fact that the bricks which constituted the incinerators in Auschwitz have never been replaced. Now, in consideration of the way they have been used, specialists consider that these incinerators could burn about 150 000 corpses. This is coherent with the registers that the Germans were keeping of people who died in Auschwitz, that is, 135 000 death. Which puts the holocaust at its right dimension.